Your Basic Sea Animals
Cladoselache, a shark-like fish that lived about 370 million years ago[12], has been discovered in Paleozoic strata in Ohio, Kentucky, and Tennessee. These rocks were part of the soft bottom sediments of a large, shallow ocean that stretched across much of North America at the time. Cladoselache was only about 1 metre (3.3 ft) long with stiff triangular fins and slender jaws. [12] Its teeth had several pointed cusps that wore away with use. Cladoselache did not replace its teeth as frequently as modern sharks, based on the small number of teeth discovered together. Its caudal fins resembled those of great white sharks and pelagic shortfin and longfin makos.
The Maui's dolphin, which is 1.7 meters (5 feet 7 inches) long and weighs 50 kilograms (110 pounds), is the smallest dolphin, while the orca is 9.5 meters (31 feet 2 inches) long and weighs 10 tonnes (11 short tons). Diverse dolphin species have sexual dimorphism, where the males are bigger than the females. They have two arms that have been converted into flippers and sleek bodies. Some dolphins can momentarily reach speeds of 29 kilometres (18 miles) per hour or leap around 30 feet, however they are not quite as agile as seals (9.1 m). [1] Dolphins catch moving prey by using their conical teeth. They have highly developed hearing that is water and air-adapted. Some people can survive even if they are blind because it is so well developed. Some creatures have evolved to dive well.